Rishab Lamba

MS in CS @ University Of Illinois at Chicago

About Work
Hi my name is Rishab Lamba

Currently I am pursuing my Masters in Computer Science from University Of Illinois, Chicago as a Graduate Research Assistant . My concentration primarily deals with subjects related to AI, Neural Network & Computer Vision and as of now I am maintaining a GPA of 4.0

Before joing UIC, I was a full-stack developer & have extensive experience working on the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React.JS/React-Native, Node.JS) stack & programming languages like Javascript, Python and C++. All of this has helped me in winning 6 national and international hackathons and gave me an opportunity to participate in the Start Hack , Switzerland. Ultimately, I was selected for the Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay Research Internship Award and awarded the title of Best Student by my college.

Checkout some of the projects I have built so far.

🛠 Tech Stack

  • 💻 ReactJS | NodeJS | Express | React-Native | ThreeJS
  • 🌐 JavaScript | Python | C++ | WebGL
  • 🛢 Graph QL| Mongo DB | MySQL | Firebase
  • 🔧 Visual Studio code | Git

Click here to view my latest resume 💼

I’ve had the opportunity to work with the following institutes

  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client

Send me an e-mail over at rshblamba@gmail.com

Rishab Lamba
